=================== General Information =================== The course will cover the state-of-the-art techniques and principles for designing single node scalable systems software. The course will cover lectures, paper discussion, and a semester-long project focusing on scalability. Note that some of the topics are tentative and we can also cover topics that students want to explore or learn about. ------------ Prerequisite ------------ - CS-522: Principles of Computes Systems (POCS) -------- Meetings -------- - When: Friday 14:15-16:00 - Where: https://epfl.zoom.us/j/87272674753?pwd=QVlibEk3QXUxY0NrWWhMdldCZ2VRQT09 -------------- Grading Policy -------------- - Assignments (10%): Answer/ask questions before each lecture. - Class participation (10%) - Project (80%) - Proposal presentation (15%, 30.03.2021) - Demo & presentation (25%, 01.06.2021) - Write-up (40%, 01.06.2021) ------------- Meeting hours ------------- - Meeting hours: Tues 16:00-17:00, Sanidhya Kashyap - Feel free to send an email to make an appointment